Hello beautiful people! If you're reading this, you've made it to the end of yet another year, haha. As with every New Year's Eve, I have that stinkin' Prince song in my head. "We're gonna party like it's 1999." Er, um, 2009. Guh.
Now, I'm not usually one of those people who sets "resolutions" each year; I mean, I resolve to do alot of things better, but more often than not, my ideas don't make it to fruition : ) Ah, the best laid plans...So this year, I'm calling it "intentions." Meaning, I intend to do the following in 2010.
May I present, Leslie's Top 10 New Year's "Intentions"
1. Finally organize my closet. Nothing in the world makes me happier than a big, fat closet. Especially one that is well organized. Mine isn't that bad, I mean, it is arranged in color catagories and all...but, I want to add some cool shelves and maybe a nifty shoe rack.
2. Use my Chi iron less. I've been accused by my hair stylist of flat-ironing too frequently. Guilty as charged : )
Cut back on tanning. I'm not going to say I'm quitting, (because we all know that won't happen), but I really should cut back on trips to the tanning salon. Otherwise, I'm afraid that one of these days I'll look like one of those horrible orange people from
Jersey Shore.
Spend more time volunteering with Junior League. See, not all of my goals are shallow, haha. Unfortunately, I'm guilty of attending more of the social events than actual volunteer events, which is really what J.L. is all about.
Go back to Europe. Since my trip in 2007 I've wanted to go back, so I'm kind of in the very early stages of planning a vacay to Prague and Sweden for this coming summer.

6. Learn to drive a stick shift. I have NO clue how to drive a standard and for some reason, I think this might be important. I mean, what if there were an emergency one day and the only car available were a stick? I'd be screwed.

7. Finally get some artwork for my bedroom. I have this ginormous wall opposite my bed that has been bare ever since I moved in. I haven't seriously searched for something yet, so I'm getting down to business starting next month.

8. Cut back on Starbucks. Actually, scratch that. It's not possible.

9. Redesign my blog. Everything you see here, I've done myself. But, now that I have 244 fabulous followers, it might be time to have an expert come in and overhaul the look of A Blonde Ambition.
10. Make a Bucket List. The recent death of a young family friend kind of reiterated the importance of doing everything you want to do, while you're healthy enough to do it. I've always kept a mental list of "musts", but never really put pen to paper to make a real list.
So it's time to share a few of your New Year's Intentions with the rest of us...what are your goals? How do you plan to accomplish them?
Have a safe and blessed New Year! See you in 2010!