Regretfully, I had what can only be described as an "Augustus Gloop" moment on Saturday night. Now for those new to Leslie lingo, the term "Augustus Gloop" is used in reference to "I just had an Augustus Gloop moment", or "I totally turned into Augustus Gloop last night during Grey's Anatomy". This is a term my girlfriends and I have used for years to describe those moments in life when you eat anything/everything sugary in a 5 mile vacinity within about 30 minutes. You know, just like that kid Augustus from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? LOL
So what triggered my "Augustus Gloop" moment? Well, you see I've been watching Food Network all weekend and was tuning into one of their cake challenges. 5 episodes of butter cream frosting and rice crispy treat layers and...well...I just NEEDED something sweet. So indulged in an entire bar of Swiss chocolate. I loved every calorie-laden moment of it, too!
Well, I'm off to make marketing miracles happen (haha!) Have a great day and don't forget to thank God for all the good things in your life today.
Blonde Blessings,
P.S.- I had a traumatizing hair experience last week and will be getting it redone today. I'll post pics if I don't look like Cruella Deville. Wish me luck!
P.P.S.- My two favorite contestants on "The Next Food Network Star" are now gone! Debbie and Jamika have exited the show and frankly, this makes me sad. Girls, you will be missed!

I always ask people if they thought a kid like Augustus was actually living the dream. After all, for a kid like Augustus, what a way to go.