This has been the nicest, most easy weekend I've had in so long! Oh, why can't the weekend last just a little bit longer? It's been a couple of days since my last post, so I thought it was time to touch base with all you Blonde Ambition-ers and give you a run-down of my weekend. Be sure and let me know how yours was, too!
Friday I got word from my mom that her photograph, "Sunbursts as Sunset" had won honorable mention in Front Porch Magazine's 2009 photo contest. Her photo beat out more than 250 other entries from across the state of Arkansas and is featured in September's issue, along with a spread on none other than Conway, AR's own celebrity, Mr. Kris Allen. Check out the issue here and take a look at mom's photo below!
Friday I got word from my mom that her photograph, "Sunbursts as Sunset" had won honorable mention in Front Porch Magazine's 2009 photo contest. Her photo beat out more than 250 other entries from across the state of Arkansas and is featured in September's issue, along with a spread on none other than Conway, AR's own celebrity, Mr. Kris Allen. Check out the issue here and take a look at mom's photo below!

Friday night Drew and I had planned to go to a friend's house at Beaver Lake for a b-day party, but decided instead to take the night and go on a much-deserved date : ) We met up around 7:00 to go see Brad Pitt's new WWII flick, Inglorious Something-Or-Other, Haha!
I really wanted too see the movie, but I'm sure like many of you, was a little embarrassed to say the name : ) It's classic Quentin Tarentino; darkly comedic, action-packed and fast-paced. It doesn't disappoint though and, although it's a little over-the-top, delivers a lot of story and action in 2 hours and 32 minutes.
Saturday I spent the day going to Walmart, baking and running some errands. Nothing too thrilling. Saturday night though, Drew and I paid a visit to our friends Vince and Melissa's house to grill some steaks and catch up. Vince and Melissa recently purchased a new house and it was great to see it with all their furniture and decor in it. They were just the perfect hosts!
This morning, we went to church and enjoyed a great sermon pastor Ronnie Floyd. He talked about how it is each of our duties to spread the word of Christianity to everyone we meet and every place we go. He also told a story about a couple from India who recently converted from Hindu to Christianity, which was really neat to hear.
After church, we went to Denny's for a de-light-ful breakfast....French Toast Grand Slam anybody?? Nothing like lots of trans fatty sugary goodness to complete the morning, ha! Not sure what else we'll do today, but the weather is PERFECT and I'm all about enjoying it since cold weather is probably not far around the corner!
Thank you to all who voted on the dresses for my upcoming event! I'm happy to announce that we have a winner....After careful consideration I have decided to go with....drum roll please......
Contender #2 from Francesca's Collections! I'm so pale right now (trying to cut back on visits to the tanning bed), so I'm probably going to need all the color I can get from the dress! Now, NO MORE Grand Slams if I want to squeeze into this thing by Saturday : )

Have a great Sunday and don't forget to thank God for all the good things in your life today!

Great choice with that dress! So cute! :)
ReplyDeleteFun weekend. Your mom's photo is great! Love the dress.