-I bought white skinny jeans a couple of weeks ago, but the weather here lately has been rainy and muddy and not so conducive to wearing white pants. To make a short story long, it was sunny yesterday and I was having a skinny day, so I figured "What the hey?" and wore them. I was a tad unsure if I was really "feelin'" them at first, but I've since decided they were a wise purchase, as I got several kind comments on my "white britches". I know this is life-changing information for you guys. You're welcome.
-...and speaking of clothes, guess what I realized this morning? Project Runway starts exactly 2 weeks from today! (And the angels in heaven sang...)
-I'm getting my hair done this afternoon, following a 3 month salon hiatus, (Praise Jesus!) These roots are beginning to offend people, I'm quite sure of it. My poor stylist is going to die when he sees this hot mess on my head. Can't wait to show off some fresh highlights and nicely trimmed bangs on the West Coast, though!
-Do you guys ever get cravings for the most random foods? I'll get on kicks of eating weird stuff just out of the blue and I'll eat it for like a month straight, then get sick of it and not eat it again for another year until another funny craving hits. Apparently my latest thing is Rice Krispy Treats. They sell them out of the vending machine at my office and I'm pretty sure I've eaten one for breakfast every day this week. Starbucks Venti Non-Fat Vanilla Latte + Rice Krispy Treat= Breakfast of Web Marketing Champs.
I'm sure your head is about to explode from deep-thought overload. I understand, it's powerful stuff.
Seriously though, I hope you have a fantabulous Thursday. Kick some rear and take some names, darlings.
Be blessed, lovelies-
So, I have the SAME food cravings all the time. I start craving something, can't stop thinking about it until I get my hands on it, and then... after a month of eating it obsessively I am done and on to my latest and greatest craving. My boyfriend thinks I am a nut job, as well as my whole family, so I am super glad someone else is just.like.me!
ReplyDeleteYou are too cute! Love the post ;) Have fun traveling!
ReplyDeleteYou can totally get away with white skinnies! Not everyone can you know! Sounds like a wonderful trip you have planned.
ReplyDeleteHave a great trip! Its gorgeous here in CA
ReplyDeleteI get the same crazy food cravings!!! I had one for gelato this week! It was slightly out of control! And congrats on the skinnies! Where did you find them? I have been dying for a pair and cannot seem to find any! :(
ReplyDeleteDeep thoughts or not, it was a great post! Very fun! And I am sure your white jeans looked fabulous, I think you have inspired me to pick up a pair today!
ReplyDeleteHope you are having a great week!
I love all your randomness :) And I am pretty sure the hair appointment is a GREAT idea... I need one too - just to clean up the shady looking hair I have going on!!
ReplyDeleteI think we need pics of the white skinny jeans - I bet you looked GREAT! What did you wear on top?
Aww, thanks ya'll! I got the skinnny jeans at Francesca's, which you can see online here:
I wore mine with a mint green burn-out tank and gray suede ballet flats!
I've been considering a pair of white jeans for the last three summers and I just can't find the perfect pair! :) I'm still looking. This post was cute. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm jealous just thinking about your trip - it sounds incredible!
ReplyDeleteI ate Cocoa Krispies the entire weekend I got married. I don't think I've eaten them since!
ReplyDeleteI am completely jealous of you being in LA next week! If you want a great place to eat breakfast at, try Swingers over on Melrose. It's AMAZING!
ReplyDeleteI love white skinny jean discussions! To wear or not to wear and WHEN? I've got mine but am a bit intimidated... guess I just need some stinking hot weather, lots of gold accessories and few cocktails....!!
ReplyDeleteI have cravings for magazines (not to eat- haha!) AND maltesers- I actually forget the world when accompanied by a mag and a teser... Hope you've had a good week blondie! XX
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog! Love it! I live in NWA too! Well, I like to consider it NWA, but its a little farther south! My blog is
It's been forever since I've had my hair done too. I go next week and I'm thrilled. It's so fun to pamper ourselves!
ReplyDeleteThis is just weird, I went for about 2 months this spring where I would go to Starbucks daily and get a venti skinny vanilla latte and a rice krispie treat for breakfast too.
ReplyDeleteI do the same thing, going on spurts of eating the most random things! I can't get enough of some stuff sometimes!