"Scary cat...scary cat...what are they feeding you?"...it's the remix, ya'll! |
I'll preface this by saying, this is probably going to offend some of you cat lovers. I realize not all kitties are awful, I'm just a dog person. That being said...
I don't like cats.
I also don't like green olives, mullets or candy corn.
Until recently, all of those things were equally unliked. They all resided on an equal playing field of "Things Leslie Doesn't Care For". But not anymore, friends. Ohhhhhh noooooo....not anymore.
In the past 14 days, my disdain for felines has shot through the roof (along with my blood pressure) due to one crazed, possibly disease-ridden cat that has taken up residence outside of my building at my apartment complex. It's LARGE, with disgusting, gray matted fur. A gorgeous creature, really.
You see, it all started about 2 weeks ago, when one night my boyfriend and I decide to go for an evening walk around my apartment complex. The weather was nice and we wanted to stretch our legs. Simple enough, right?
Anyway, so we start walking and as we're rounding the back of the complex we see a rather large, stray-looking cat, crouched on the ground about 10 feet away from where we are. Because it's a large apartment community, there are tons of pets out at any given time of the day, though most of them are kept on leashes. We thought someone might have just let it out for a potty break or something and really didn't think anything of it.
So we keep walking and without any warning, said cat
bolts toward us, all possessed-like and whatnot.
Of course this startles us, so we kind of shoo it away and keep walking, hoping maybe it was just being playful. It then proceeds to crouch down to pounce AGAIN and charges at us AGAIN, almost like it was gearing up for Round Two. This time, we throw a water bottle at it to try to deter it long enough for us to
calmly walk run back to my building. Ok, well
I ran like a little girl, my guy was a bit more cool and collected : )
Fast forward to about a week later...the boy and I are out walking again one night and guess who decides to make an appearance....yep- the scary cat, himself.
This time the cat does the same as before...crouches down as soon as we're in its view (mind you we were standing about 20 feet away from it, not bothering it at all). We try to stay calm and keep walking, hoping that if we ignore it, it will leave us alone.
No dice.
As soon as we are within about 10 feet of it, it charges at us
very aggressively. We had a wad of keys with us, so we instinctively just hurl the keys as hard as we can. This does not deter the crazed animal ONE BIT. It crouches, charges and pounces....again. Of course by this point, we're both freaking out a little because it's quite a distance back to my building.
Just as this is all going down, a fellow resident sees what's going on and asks us if we just had a run in with "the gray cat". Apparently, it chased her up to the 3rd floor of her building just nights before!
Fast forward to this past Sunday....