
This is Her Story: {Kimberly}

Kimberly, Alexis and Kimberly's Husband at her 34th birthday celebration!

Hello friends! Today's "This is Her Story" segment is brought to you by Kimberly S.

Kimberly approached me last month with her story about her battle with a kidney insufficiency and the amazing miracle that is her daughter Alexis. For any expectant moms out there OR any young women that might be dealing with an illness or health dilemma, I hope this inspires you!

I got married March 18th, 2006. Shortly after, I found out I was pregnant my precious daughter, Alexis Jolee. I found out I was pregnant Easter Sunday. I was craving a Diet Pepsi and I do not like soda at all! I took at pregnancy test and immediately it was positive. I was so shocked that I took 2 more the next day. I found out the next day that I was 5 weeks pregnant. I was SUPER excited. I did not see what was coming though.

I started getting really sick quickly. I was so sick that I thought I was having twins, so I asked for a sonogram. There was only one baby, but I was still wondering why I was so sick. Through some tests, I found out that I have kidney insufficiency. I was never supposed to have a child. Thank GOD that I had EXCELLENT doctors that saved my life (and of course, God!!!). I stopped getting sick around 6 or 7 months. My doctor said Alexis would never be over 6 Lbs. She was 8 Lbs, 5 oz!!!! A true miracle! As I'm writing this, tears fill my eyes because God gave me one of HIS kids to raise. Through my pregnancy, he let me find out about my health, but also blessed me with the most beautiful little angel EVER!

I had to get several shots close to the end of my pregnancy due to early contractions. The shots almost made me pass out, it was not fun at all. Alexis wasn't due until December 20th, 2006 but towards the end of November I wasn't feeling good. I had to take several stress tests while pregnant to make sure not only me, but that Alexis was fine. Thank God she was! She was born December 10th, 2006 after a LONG labor. I went in at 7am Saturday morning and she would finally make her arrival Sunday around 6:30am. I pushed for 3 hours and fell asleep several times. I heard my doctor come in the room and say "We are getting the baby out." If it would have been 3 minutes later, I would have had an emergency c-section. God is so good and saved me. I would do it all over again in a heart beat to have my precious daughter.

My doctor decided pretty quickly after Alexis was born to put me on prednisone, a steroid, to protect my kidneys. It was a rough time in my life. I got mad at people quickly and was NOT myself. There were nights I would rock Alexis to sleep while I just cried because I could not sleep. I wanted to be happy about my newborn, but I was miserable about the drug. It didn't take long for me to gain water weight. I blew up everywhere and could barely smile because it hurt too much. It was also a rough time because people judged me for the way I looked. People didn't know who I was and it made me sad. I knew I was the same on the inside, but on the outside, I was 45 Lbs heavier with the medication. I have learned the hard way to NOT judge people no matter what they look like. After my doctor slowly took me off the medication (and my health started improving) I was judged again for losing the water weight. People made comments like "I would never be that skinny" or whatever rude thing they could think of. There were times I would come home and just cry because no one knew what I went through. They didn't know the pain I went through of losing the baby weight (45 Lbs), then gaining weight right back (45 Lbs) with the prednisone and then getting off of it and losing that weight. However, I wouldn't change a thing. Every struggle I have gone through has gotten me to today. We took family pictures when I was on prednisone and people have no clue it's me. I literally looked like a chipmunk. However, I am finally at the point where I see beauty in it.

I am SO thankful, truly beyond words that God blessed me with this angel. She just turned 4 and started preschool Sept 2010. She is growing right before my eyes. She is healthy, happy and the love of my life. I never intended on quitting my job, but shortly after returning to work, I put my 2 week notice in.

My faith wasn't as strong as it is now, but I know God had a plan for me staying home. I never asked my husband, I just turned my notice in and was SO excited to stay home with her. Alexis has such a heart for Jesus. Her favorite songs are "Jesus Messiah" and "Jesus Saves." She even sings her songs in the grocery store, loudly. But Iwill never tell her to quiet down when it comes to singing about our Savior.

Jesus saved my life and gave me the greatest Christmas gift that I have ever gotten.

Kidney insufficiency will never stop me. I take several medications to control my health and even though I do not like taking them, I know it's for the best. At recent doctor appt. I did find out that my protein count went up 200 points. I went from the 500's to the 700's. The doctor said if it reached 1000 or more again, that there would be concern. When I was pregnant, it was as high as 2500. Not good at all!! I go back in February and need prayers that I am still stable and that my count is okay. I had a biopsy 2 months after Alexis was born. One of my kidneys doesn't work at all, the other 50%. I do not need dialysis till I'm at 11% or less. The doctor said that probably won't be till at least my 60's so let's pray that it's even later then that or not at all!

Thanks for reading my story = )


Thanks for sharing your story, Kimberly!

If you have an amazing story or know a woman who does, please email me at
askblondeambition{at}gmail{dot}com. You could be featured in a future T.I.H.S. edition!

Be blessed, lovelies-


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