Pic taken last week in Charleston on our honeymoon! |
Although we had a lot of fun planning this wedding and honeymoon (probably more so the honeymoon), both Stephen and I were SO relieved and happy to return home and just start our married life. We’ve been moving the final items from my apartment to his house over the past few days and are finally finished…whew! After this past weekend, we both agreed that we’re not moving again for at least 35 years.
And MY LORD…I did not realize how much stuff I owned until we started packing it up and moving it out. I was honestly ashamed at how many clothes and shoes and handbags I had. Poor Stephen sacrificed the better portion of our walk-in closet in the master bedroom for my mess of clothing. (I should mention that Wardrobe de Leslie is also filling up two-thirds of the guest bedroom closet and linen closet…whoops!
I’m thinking of having a blog sale to free up some of our closet space, but I’ve never tried that before…have any of y’all? Thoughts?
We’ve gotten our house in some semblance of order and I actually had a chance to do some fall decorating! I’m such a shameless seasonal decorator and Stephen is so sweet to just stand by and grin while I hot glue and stage our house within an inch of its life.
Oh yeah, and we’re enjoying being the cheesy, mushy gushy newlyweds. Lots of PDA and Facebook picture posting and whatnot. We’ve also been leaving each other little love notes around the house : ) I won’t post any of those on here because I love y’all and certainly don’t want to induce vomiting.
We have yet to cook a meal as a husband and wife, but I think we may tackle that tonight. Pork tenderloin and roasted asparagus, anyone?
We plan to go on our first “back from the honeymoon” date this weekend too! We’re heading to our old stomping grounds, Abuelo’s on Saturday for chips and queso and sangria…woohoo! Because if there’s one thing my hips and backside need after a food-filled honeymoon in Charleston, it’s more fried food.
We actually decided before we got married that we would do at least one special date night per week, just so we always remember to keep the romance alive. I think more people should “date” their significant other (married or not), ya know? It’s fun to get gussied up and look smokin’ hot for each other. And besides, that can lead to some very fun post-date activities ; )
(My southern momma is probably reading this and blushing.)
We got so many gifts. I mean a crazy, ridiculous, awesome amount of quality gifts. Problem is, we have nowhere to put some of the items we received. We got a panini press from Williams Sonoma that was great, but unfortunately, it’s also the size of a small refrigerator. And towels…OH MY at the towels. That’s more than ok though, you can never have too many towels.
We’ve already been asked by several peeps when we’re going to start a family.
No, I’m not kidding.
Unless the good Lord has other plans for us, we’re going to take a couple of years (maybe more) and just be a three person family, enjoying the perks of not being responsible for another human being’s life for a while, (I say three person family because we include our German Shepherd, Ari as the third member.)
We want to take a couple of years to do married-with-no-children activities like travelling spontaneously and sleeping 8 hours per night and whatnot. Besides, I’m terrible with toddlers. Awful. I have the patience of an arena bull and shudder when I watch poor moms deal with their screaming three year olds in Target. I know it’s par for the course, but bless my soul, I’m not sure I’m cut out to be a mom right now.
HOWEVER, I should also say that our new little nephew Lucas has REALLY given me baby fever. He’s got the best disposition of any kiddo I’ve ever been around and he just smiles and coos and kind of makes you melt. And watching Stephen carry him around when they bring him over makes my heart so full. Kelsi and Greg, if you’re reading this, we will happily babysit any time y’all would like to bring him over : )
So in summary, we’ll see what happens in the baby department : ) Maybe a couple of years, maybe not. But probably a couple of years.
I digress.
Know what makes me so happy though? Seeing older couples in restaurants or on park benches holding hands. So terribly excited to grow old with this man, my husband.
That word is awesome. Husband.
Ok, tomorrow I'll show pics of me and my girls getting ready at the bridal salon on the day of the wedding! Definitely some fun, candid shots in that bunch of pics! Here's a sneak preview:
My adorable hair stylist Jennifer creating my wedding day 'do! |
Be blessed, lovelies-