
And Leslie was Her Name-Oh

What’s in a name? (Other than consonants and vowels, that is.) 

I actually really like my name, Leslie Paige. It’s not too common, which is nice. It’s also feminine and classic enough to still be relevant when I’m older. More than anything, I appreciate my mom’s subdued approach to choosing a name. Nothing crazy.

No Blue Ivy or Maxwell Whatever. 

Or Morrocan and Monroe.(Cough, cough...Mariah...cough.)

It’s not just movie stars naming their children weird stuff anymore, though. I’ve heard so many ‘real life’ couples coming up with the strangest names lately. It’s almost like expectant parents try to outwit each other through the name game.


“Hmmmm, honey. What can we possibly name our beautiful baby girl that will really be a head-turner?”

“Well, I really liked Sarah or Hannah, but those are far too normal-sounding. I think if we want to make an impact, we're going to have to go big or go home. I’m leaning toward Rainbow Bright.”


Stephen and I were watching the Arkansas Razorback vs. South Carolina baseball game the other night and heard of a player named Joey Pankake. For real. And yes, it's pronounced just like the breakfast food.

Now as much as I love those airy little circles of batter (no pun intended, but get the baseball reference...batter...), I’m not sure I’d appreciate it as my last name. But, I suppose he couldn’t help that.

My grandmother had an aunt named Bertha. And there is a co-worker of mine whose grandmother’s name was Dorcas. I’ve heard a TON of expectant parents reverting back to olden day names for their soon-to-be kiddos, some of which are really beautiful, and some...well...not so much. 

I once dated a guy whose last name was…how do I say this nicely? REALLY ATROCIOUS. I always wondered what the heck I’d do if we got married. But that didn’t happen (by the grace of God) and then I met Stephen and thankfully, he has a lovely last name.

I’ve also seen chronic misspellings of names lately, too. Again, it’s as if parents want to one-up each other. For instance, let’s take my name – Leslie.

27 years ago, you’d probably spell it L-E-S-L-I-E or L-E-S-L-E-Y.

But now, it might look a little something like this: L-E-S-S-L-E-I-G-H

Because we can’t have a nice, normal spelling in this new millennium, now can we? I have a friend that’s a teacher and this name spelling issue is the bain of her existence at the start of each new school year. It takes her a month to learn how to pronounce some of the craziness that graces her classroom roster.

I’m not sure where I’m going with this post, but I’ve been thinking about poor Joey Pankake these past few days and needed to put pen to paper.

Or cursor to screen.

What’s the worst/craziest name you’ve heard of recently? Ready…and…go!

P.S.- Speaking of names, we have the name of a winner for the FB giveaway! Her name is Baili M. and she won the Spike the Punch necklace set! Baili - just shoot me an email at askblondeambition{at}gmail{dot}com and include your shipping address!

Be blessed, lovelies-


  1. I just had this conversation with co-workers yesterday. Our issues was people with hispanic last names deciding to re-do the pronunciations... but what erks me the most is when you say someone's name and they immediately scold you.. I want to be like how in the H-E double hockey sticks was I supposed to know that Lindsay was pronounced any other way... Pick a name, stick with the traditional spelling and move on people!

  2. Ha, I couldn't have read this post at a better time. We just found out that the baby we are expecting is a girl and I completely agree with you about the names, especially the spelling!! Our front runner is Norah, which hopefully falls into the beautiful olden day names category :)
    Ps- My name is Leslie too, and I also really like it.

  3. I'll graduate college next year and will begin my teaching career. I've spent a lot of time in the classroom so far and the craziest name I've seen is Espn (pronounced Es-pen). Yes, the parents named their child after the sports channel, ESPN. I kid you not.

  4. I dated a guy with the last name Seaman. He said that 5th grade sex ed was the worst day of his life, when all his peers learned what his name sounded like. I wondered what I would do, too, and sadly, just saw on FB that he and his fiancee broke up. I'm sure the name had nothing to do with it.

    Our kids are Kate and Claire. Nice and classic, though people are so used to funny spellings now, I get asked things like if Kate is with a C (like Cate Blanchett, pretty but not the normal spelling) and if Claire would be with a K to match Kate. Seriously, is anyone named Klaire?

  5. I am a teacher and one of my students was named L-a. Pronounced "L dash A."

  6. With a name like Joey Pankake, it's great that he is an all star. I mean, who's going to forget his name? :) Even better part is he has a younger brother in high school who is a star baseball player as well. We will be seeing that name for awhile!

    PS. Go Gamecocks :) Even though the Razorbacks killed our CWS winning streak :(

  7. One of my pet peeves is when parents give their kids normal names but spell them in some tragic fashion. For example, on the last season of the Bachelor, there was a Lindzi and a Lyndsie, but no Lindsay. Ridiculous.

  8. I totally agree with the idea of reverting back to classic names for children. I ran across a kid's name yesterday that was Mikhail. The pronunciation? Michael.


  9. My grandma was Bertha. In my family, you name babies after people who have died...and I'm named after her. Thank goodness- my mom only took the B...not the whole Bertha. :)

  10. I have know 4 people that have named kids "Crew" or "Cru" in the last couple months...evidently its pretty popular, but I don't get it. A friend of mine is having a baby girl in November and considering the name "Lonna"...different but not too weird:)

  11. My name has long been a thorn in my side. My mom chose to pronounce it "Sash-uh" rather than the more typical "Sosh-uh". People I've known for years can't say it right. It's so hard to correct people without sounding rude!

    So I named my kids Will and Reese. Although there is sometimes confusion about how we spell Reese, at least everyone knows how to pronounce her name!

  12. We just had a baby boy 4 months ago and named him Levi. Easy spelling, easy pronunciation, and still pretty unique! We actually get a lot of comments about how nice it is.

    Some crazy names lately though (and these are my friends)
    - Penelope
    - Bianca
    - Briony (pronounced Brian - ee)

  13. I'm a Leslie too. Leslie Marion. My only pet peeve about my name is when people say it like it has a Z in it ! As for atrocious last names - my maiden name is Beasy - woof.

    My favorite old name is Adelaide. I just love it & luckily it is a family name , so if I ever have a girl it is def. my top pick!

  14. I died laughing when I saw your winner had a funky spelling of her name. Coincidence?

  15. Ever since I got married, I've only had about 5 people pronounce my new last name correctly. It's Jochum, but pronounced Yoakum..like Dwight Yoakum! So I'll all about picking kids names that are easy to say.

    I obviously love the name Paige...I'm Lauren Paige! And my sister named my niece Lily Paige.

  16. Love Monroe and Maxwell! I like different names but not crazy ones like Nevaeh, Blue Ivy, Apple, etc.. My son's name is Cash and we LOVE it. I wanted something different, not something every fifth person in his class shared :) I also have a niece named Scout and love that too, it suits her perfectly.

  17. It was funny that you wrote Rainbow! I was adopted and my parents were trying to pick a name for me. My oldest cousin thought they should name me "Rainbow". Obviosly they didn't! The names they were thinking of was "Wendy Gale" can we say weather report? They also thought of Alpha Jill (I loved because it's not a normal name) They settled on Lindsey Marie. I really don't like the "Lindsey" because there are so many ways to spell it and it is a common name. :)


  18. I was totally going to discuss Le-a (pronounced Le Dash A) but someone actually posted and had that child in their class. Can I meet you Chelsea because we seriously talk about that name all the time.

    The other one that is a doozy is Abcde pronounced Absidy.

  19. A friend who is expecting a boy is naming her son Jaxson...um, yeah, that child will FOREVER have his name misspelled. I wish I could change her mind since I'm constantly fixing my first AND last name (I married into it, should have hyphenated my maiden name and married name to really confuse people!). Ugh...people do not have a clue....

  20. My name is spelled Aishlea but pronounced "Ashley". It was a compromise between my mom and dad. Dad wanted Ashley but my mom didn't want a common name or spelling. I've constantly had to correct people, but to be honest, it is one of a kind and people remember which Ashley I am based on the spelling. I named my son Cohen, which is not as common but not weird either. :)

  21. I taught high school and the worst names were after alcohol: Bud, Tequila....terrible.

  22. I totally hear you on the way people name their kids these days. It's like we can't tell if there a boy or girl now. There is a couple that had a baby girl and named her Jaxx...and the worst of them I've ever heard, Shithead, pronounced shaw-THAYD. Terrible!

  23. You never know what you'll see in good old Louisiana. I remember when we first moved here a few years ago ( no, this wasn't my choice!), I saved a newspaper clipping because I thought it was so funny. The name of this newborn baby girl was Heaven Nevaeh. Yes folks, that middle name is most certainly heaven spelled backwards. I soon learned that names such as this are very common here. Not for this girl. My 2 year old and 6 month old have tried and true names- Henry and Sam.

  24. I am delurking to say weird kid names are my pet peeve! I can't imagine being a child with a hard to pronounce or hard to spell name. We have 4 children and chose "easy" names: William, Nicholas, Caroline, and Lucy.

  25. lol - "i've been thinking about poor joey pancake these past few days" ... hilarious.

  26. My Mom had a kid in her class named Wefus. "Wee-fus" yeah it's crazy....

  27. Oh lord. I'm with you, what' with all these crazy names?
    Maybe I will name my future daughter Sugar Pie or Pinot Gris. Cause I do love me some pinot gris!

    Lindsay @

  28. I have a friend that named her little girl Kynsleigh and are calling her Kyns for short. Poor kid.

  29. Oh goodness.. My own name change when I got married kinda stressed me out. My maidan name is Johnson, and when I got married it changed to Smallwood. Think about those names for a minute...I finally decided I'd just make a joke of it instead of stressing about it and started telling people I went from a big Johnson to a Smallwood. I'm a classy one, aren't I? It made people laugh though, so that's all that matters! Also- there was a girl in my hometown named Crystal Chandelier. I always wondered what her parents were thinking.

  30. Well I'm a teacher so I see hundreds of names. So far, Bricks is the weirdest. I mean it's not even a name! Why would you pick that???

  31. I dislike my name- Ellery. It's odd, when I was little, there were never pencils or bicycle license plates, etc with my name on it. Everyone I meet says it's beautiful, but ugh.

    I said I'd never name my children odd names, but my son is Weston and my daughter due in August will be Amielia. Weird spelling to honor my grandmother. So she'll never have anything with her name on it, unless we special order it.

    I went to college with a Pancake. They named their daughter Sophia Buttermilk. Hand to God.

  32. I had a kid in my class named Amiqaq. Pronounced "Om-ah-cock". Saying that several times a day was trying to say the least.

  33. I do social work at an OBGYN clinic and hear some doozies :( Poor kids. I can't imagine someone looking over their resumes someday and taking them seriously as a job applicant. I went to school with a Krystal Kitchen and a December Champagne Lane and I always thought one sounded like a cleaner, and the other like a stripper.

    My pet peeve is cutesy names. I know several people with daughters named Kynzlee/Kynsleigh, Paisley, Kipsey, Tynsley, etc. Cutesy with a bunch of y's and z's in it: double offense. Now that many of them are having their second kid, they're doing the whole 'slap any last name on a girl as a first name' trend. I refuse to buy anything monogrammed for poor 'Gruber' because I'm hoping her parents change their minds before her birth!!!

  34. Oh man this was hilarious! Probably the strangest name I've ever heard was "Cherry Hedges". I'm very happy with my name; the spelling is different {Aimee}, but I'm named after my French great grandmother. Actually my grandmother also shares my middle name {Paulette}. So yeah, I love my name.

    As for "olden times" names, I like that idea...for animals. My late cat's name was Henry and my puppy's name is Hazel.

    I'll probably stick to French-sounding names for my children, or at least my daughters...love Juliette or Charlotte.

    And BTW, Leslie Paige is lovely :)

  35. We named Ava that instead of Mackenzie like we originally wanted b/c most people spell it McKenzie and I don't like that and didn't want her to have to deal with that. And Reed isn't very common but not so weird that it makes you think, "huh?". Zach had some doozies for names when he taught elementary school in the hood. one girl's name was princess. Parents are cray-cray!

  36. Interesting baby names as of late? My co-workers and friends have quite the imaginations...

    - Miro (Mee-Roh)
    - Sawyer (Yes, like Tom Sawyer)
    - Gatsby
    - Bridgetteer
    - Ranger
    - River
    - Mox

    ...I could go on for days - haha!

  37. I really like the names Hadley, Sawyer and Collins for girls.

    The worst name I ever knew was a lady back home who, no lie, was named Ima Butts. Who does that?


  38. So, I'm one of many with an unusual (yet more common than not) name, Brianne. (pronounced Bri-Anne) Anyway, my parents actually combined their names of Brian and Ann for the spelling purpose. To add to that, I just married a Heape. Yep, a Heape as in a Heape of ______, but I prefer to say a Heape of Love. (http://aHeapeofLove.com) I utilized the weirdness to my benefit.
    But, the weirdest name I've ever heard of was 1/8th. Apparently, my mom went to school with a guy named, 1/8th - he didn't change it, that was his birth name! And, to make it worse... so was every man in their family. Just terrible.

    ps. to the comment above, I actually went to school with a Klaire with a K. :) And, that's how she introduced herself.

  39. This is too funny. I work for a school district and so we see it all. Some of the funniest ones I have seen have been Fredlisha, Miracle, Precious, Little Guss, Treasure, and a brother and sister named Blessed Joshua and Blessed Danyelle.

  40. People are totally cray cray when it comes to naming their babies. I work in an early childhood center and our current weird names are Miracle (pronounced Mur-acle when in trouble by her mother) and Dominique for a little boy. Everyone tries to pronounce it as Dominic, but nope it is Dominique like the ice skater.

  41. Haha! I am rolling reading these crazy names!! I work at an elementary school so I can totally relate to just rolling my eyes at some of these ridonculous names people give their sweet, tiny babies. I've seen Princess Merriweather, Xristopher (pronounced Christopher....wth?!?), Precious, Ira, MCKegger (yes, like a keg)....we'll see what this year holds!

  42. I work with a guy named Brik. I read the comment on the boy named Briks and print screened it to him. He thought it was hilarious! I loved reading all the comments! My daughter's name is Gracyn. I love it and love the way it's spelled....however people think she is a boy when they just see the name and some spell it Grayson. I do hate that part of it.

  43. I love classic names, and while my hubby and I have discussed some names one of which is really not traditional for a son... I keep leaning back toward the good ole' classic standbys for boys and girls.

    I really, really hate "fancy" spelling of names. There are a ton of people here where I live with so many different Kaylee spellings it blows my mind. Not to mention I've now seen Jackson (a name I love) spelled Jaxson. EW, no. just.. I can't!

    Biggest story I've ever heard and it's probably a lie but my old roomie was a good Christian girl and I doubt she'd lie to me... maybe pull my leg but not lie. She swore she knew some children named... wait for it...

    "Shatheed" and "Pachimas"
    but they were spelled S-H-*-T-H-E-A-D and

    She swore, but I still think she was pulling my legs. What's next Vageena, spelled V-A-G-I-N-A? I've heard that too! ;)

    A guy I worked with also swears he went to school with a preachers daughter... her first name was Anita, not bad right? Her last name started with a D and rhymes with "trick"... HORRIBLE!!! Why would you do that to your kid!!!

  44. One of my previous co-workers used to work at a daycare and had two kids whose names were spelled Yellow Jello and Orange Jello...pronounced Yell-ahn-jello and Or-ahn-jello.

  45. Girl, as a teacher I completely agree with the "taking a month" to learn names! I'm right with her!

    But, I love wierd names for my future kiddos too. So, I guess I should just keep my mouth shut!

    Cute post!

  46. Was literally talking to another teacher about names yesterday.Must admit, the boyf and I LOVE our weird names: Rocky, Hendrix, Zephyr... I also love Eden, Willow, Clove (Yes Hunger Games haha) for girls. Guy at school has a boy called Gulliver Wolf- great name! I used to hate my name (Sophie) but now I really love it, middle name is Louise and both seem to fit perfectly together.The weirdest name I have come across at school is Pepper and Dragan...

  47. Hi, absolutely love your blog. I'm a little obsessed :) My name is Leslie Ellen. And I think Leslie is a wonderful name too :)

  48. As an HR Manager, I get some names and half the time I'm scared to say them. I'll usually say Ms or Mr. and insert last name only if I can pronounce that. I think parents just throw scrabble pieces down and use whatever letter is right side up. My brother and sis in law went with a different spelling for a first name and a family name for middle. Kodi Augustus. I can see Kodi being misspelled.
    My name is different and as a kid was always misspelled and still to this day people can not spell or pronounce my full name. They just stare at it and ask me to spell it.

  49. Summer Beach-
    I mean I do love me some summer, but to name your child that...too far!

  50. My name is Leslee too- Leslee Faye. My mom spelled it "lee" because my dad's middle name is Lee. My grandmother's name was Faye. When I was younger, I hated it because absolutely no one could spell it correctly. But now as an adult, I like that it's different. When my husband and I have children, I would love to do an "ee" in my daughter's name (if we have a girl that is!). I've been following your blog for a while now, and I've never commented- I love it! I love the fashion, makeup, hair, and the fun posts in general! :)

    1. Oohhh! I have a friend named Leslee and (same thing, grandpa I think) and her daughters are Baylee and Darbee...

  51. The craziest name I ever heard was when I was student teaching at the beginning of the school year and the grade 8 teacher was talking about a kid in bis class with the name S-H-I-T-H-E-A-D... pronounced shith-eed. Yikes.

  52. Oh, I LOVE this topic! Some good ones I've seen working in retail pharmacy: Crystal Clearwater, Rose Bush, Elvis King and his sister Lisa Marie.

    The worst though is when a name is completely misspelled and the person tells you how to pronounce it and you want to reply, no actually that isn't how you pronounce it according to the English language.

  53. I have a unique name, Raeven (pronounced like Raven), which I happen to love! The only thing I don't so much love is that people can't ever seem to get the spelling right. And I have to say, I do want unique names for my children as well, but I can promise you I won't name them Apple or Inspektor Pylot... LOL

  54. I taught an Octavia and a Dolce (Dole-say) but the most interesting name was Edgar! He was a tiny little second grader but his name reminded me of an old man. I couldn't look at him without picturing him walking with a cane hahaha

  55. also de-lurching for this one! My mom teaches in an interesting area of town and I can't wait for her class rolls each year.

    Some of my favorites over the years:

    Osean (pronounced Ocean)
    Chavetta (since she was conceived in the back of a Chavette!)
    Ohkamoty (pronounced OH-commode-y)

    but hands down the worst we've ever heard....

    Your Royal Highness.

    bible. Like that kid isn't gonna grow up with a complex!!

  56. This cracked me up big time...like I fell out laughing. Especially working on the women's floor with babies born all the time, we hear some crazy names. We had one a few weeks ago whose middle name was "Twinkie" and I kid you not...it was on her birth certificate and everything. I know that's not exactly the same type that y'all are discussing, but it's definitely worth mentioning. Cracks me up big time. I'll have to start writing down the others that I hear from now on :)

  57. Names are huge with me... I curse my parents on an almost daily basis!!! Every new introduction is torment! So, when it came time To name the monkeys we went with EASY! And I still get asked if we spell Haley, H-A-L-E-I-G-H.... NOOO!!!!!

  58. I think names are important and should be special and different.. I don't like trendy names that everyone has.. My maiden name was Jaclyn Renee Rose named after my grandpa, Jacky Ray Rose and I love it! I'm so thankful my parents choose an alternate spelling even tho I have to spell it out to every one. I've wanted to name my son Ike since Runaway Bride came out but everyone gave me a hard time for wanting to name him Eisenhower and calling him Ike so I named him Jonathan (after my dad) Eisenhower and we call him Ike and I love it! I get compliments on it constantly. Our other kids are Vivie Anne, Gaven and Eden and we hope to have a Presley and or a Cash. I think names should be unique and have special meaning and relevance.. I also think if someone doesn't like it, O'well.

  59. Let me offer you a good laugh... My soon to be last name will be Butts. Yes like the human backside, Butts. His previous girlfriend had the last name of Hole... Ummm awkward?!?

  60. My name is Leslie also. I was names after my grandfather. We named our son Carson b/c it was different, but not weird and we didn't know anyone else with that name. Now we have heard the name much more, though.

  61. I work as a murse and have a patient whose name is 'Dude' True legal name. Horrible!!

  62. Leslie,

    Totally agree with your post! As a teacher, these names along with inaccurate spellings merely makes us think that the parents are idiots, ignorant or nouveau riche.

    FYI to the person that posted that these names were odd:

    Penelope- Greek (ancient name)

    Bianca- common Italian first name

    Briony- English, classic

  63. I have been a lurker for a very long time but finally had to comment. My mothers name is Dorcas. She absolutely loves it and it describes her to a t. My fiancé's last name is Pugh, like peppe le Pugh, his middle name is ray, Ray Pugh. Say that really fast. Our kids will NEVER have the middle name Ray!

  64. I'm a long time reader, first time commenter. I love all kinds of names, but the cutesy spellings really get to me. I'm a teacher and let's just say it's hard to get them all straight. My name is Molly and I get so tired of people spelling it Mollie (even though that is also a pretty normal spelling). I'm from Mississippi and we love a double name down here. My children are Emily Kay, Cannon and Adelaide. All are family names and I love them.

  65. The most outrageous name that I have ever heard would have to be Jennika Maelitane (rhymes with orangutang). I have to say though that I recently heard a name I was unsure of at first but now I really think I love it....Diesel Tate....it grew on me:) I guess I could be included in the parents that make it hard for teachers to get children's names right though. My daughter's name is Brianna, pronounced like Bri-Aunna not Bri-Anna...but if you ask her, she will tell you her name is "Boogie" ;)

  66. i love my name too !

    Alexandra Marie

  67. Had a student named Monet Cash... And on my roll EVERYTIME I saw her name I thought CASH MONEY!!!

    1. Oh, am my baby girls name is Emerson Marie, we call her Emmie for short. Wanted something not too common, and I'm very happy with our choice.

  68. My parents are teachers and before every school year we are rolling on the ground with some of the names. Quamarvlous was my favorite.

    My aunt is a nurse and one of her patients was named Shithead pronounced Sha-THEED. Could you even imagine?! Poor girl.

    My husband and I always joke when we have a baby we are going to make my dad a fake birth certificate with ridiculous names.

  69. I went to school with a girl who spelled her name: La-a
    Pronounced: Ladasha



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