
Woo Pig Wednesday: {Teaser Video}

Trend Watch Wednesday will eventually return, but not until a couple more weeks of Hog-dedicated mid-week posts. I'm sorry. My blog - my team : )

Found this last night through one of the twenty social media channels I utilize. To say it makes me excited for Hog football is the understatement of the year.

Incredibly stylish shots and some adrenaline-inducing music to boot. To my fellow college football lovers - it's almost here. It goes without saying that the first football game of the college season is a bit like having a birthday. You wait for it all year and when it comes, it's a big celebration.

Woo Pig Sooie.

Be blessed, lovelies-


  1. oh I can't wait to be in Fayetteville for the Alabama game!! WPS!

  2. I'm a fellow SEC Football Lovin' Fan! I.can.not.wait. Party time!

  3. All I can say is Hotty Toddy! :)

    Can't wait!


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