Wow, wow, wow! You ladies blew me away with all of your
sweet words here on the blog, Twitter, Instagram and through emails regarding
yesterday’s news. I am beyond blessed, not only with this baby, but blessed with your friendship and support. I truly, genuinely do appreciate each of
you. Please know that.
We are excited, overjoyed, anxious, over the moon, a teeny bit scared (that's okay to admit, right?), but most of all, thankful for this amazing blessing. From the moment I saw that tiny little person on the ultrasound screen, my heart grew tenfold. I cannot imagine being happier than this. I might just burst, y'all.
This pic was taken last Sunday, so it's the most recent. As you can see...not much to show off just yet, ha! |
I got a lot of questions via Twitter and Facebook yesterday on how I’m feeling, if
we’ll find out the sex, etc., so I thought I’d do a massive Q & A post
today. I apologize in advance…this
will probably bore some of y’all to tears! (It would have bored me terribly
before this little adventure called pregnancy.)
But, I want to document and remember every moment of this pregnancy. This is essentially my journal/scrapbook, so bear with me...I promise this won't be an everyday occurrence.
When did you find out
about Baby S?
February 12! I never had any symptoms at first, I just had a gut feeling I was pregnant. In fact, I was only four weeks when we found out. I’ve heard a lot of
women say they just “knew” they needed to go get a test. And apparently, I can put myself into that same category.
I went to the store to buy a test and got so flustered that, instead of picking up a pregnancy test, I bought an
ovulation kit! Ha! It was 5:00 p.m. and I ALWAYS see someone I know in our little
Neighborhood Market if I go at that time, so I was trying to get in and out unnoticed. So, I called Stephen to tell him my mix-up and he (very sweetly)
offered to stop by the store on the way home from his office. (I married a GOOD
guy.) I took the test as soon as he got home and…voila! Baby S was discovered :
We hooped and hollered and hugged and kissed with happy tears in our eyes. It was a great
How have you felt so
Downright miserable, ha! I was actually diagnosed with
hyperemesis gravidarum at around six weeks. This is a fancy way of saying, "I’ve
spent a good portion of my day for the past several weeks yacking." It’s been
just LOVELY.
Thanks to Zofran, (and the fact that I’m almost out of the
first trimester), it does seem to be getting a bit better. I'm still get
sick a couple of times a day and honestly, may for the remainder of the
pregnancy. But hey, I'll take twice a day over 10 times a day.
That being said, I also have even more sympathy for poor Kate Middleton and her bout with HG. I
cannot fathom dealing with that awful, round-the-clock sickness AND harassment by the media at the same time. Bless
Will you find out the
Yes! We can’t wait! Just a few more weeks – woohoo! Although I think it would be so much fun to be surprised, the Type A planner in me yearns to know the gender. Plus, I want to be able to decorate and shop accordingly : )
Do you have a gut
feeling on the gender?
I have a feeling it’s a boy, but Stephen says girl : ) We
shall see! I can think of so many fun qualities about each gender, so I
can honestly say that I do not care! A healthy baby. That’s what we want.
Anything but food, haha! I’ve been so sick, absolutely nothing has
sounded appetizing. Except for Zofran. I love some Zofran.
For the record though, Stephen has been amazing. Every day,
he would put crackers and ginger ale on the nightstand so that when I woke up,
I’d have something to soothe my tummy before getting out of bed. On the rare
occasion I have craved a certain something, he will, quite literally, drive across town
to pick it up.
I will say, I've been enjoying savory, salty foods FAR more than sweet. Right now, anything sugary or sweet turns my stomach upside down. Also dairy...blech! Can't do it at the moment.
Weight gain/loss?
Loss, but I’m trying very hard to get back up to
pre-pregnancy weight. I think now that the nausea is somewhat under control, it
will happen fairly soon. It’s worth noting though, as a lifetime member of the
IBT (Itty Bitty Youknowwhat) Club, I am enjoying my new “assets”. Oh my, how the girls have grown.
Favorite moment so
It’s been a toss up between hearing the heartbeat and
seeing Little Bit on the ultrasound this past Monday. Legs were kicking, heart was
fluttering away and the bebe was sucking his/her thumb. It was a GOOD day. One of the best of my entire life.
Strangest comment from someone so far?
I actually had someone we know ask me a couple weeks ago if we were "trying" or if baby was an accident. Ummmm?? Why on earth would you ask someone that??!! For the record, yes - this child was intentional, ha! But GAW, y'all! So awkward!
Funniest moment so far?
Not really a moment, but it's been almost comical to see my hormones take over my body. Seriously you guys, I can go from zero to emo at the drop of a hat.
Until tomorrow, ciao bunnies!
P.S. - Totally unrelated to baby, but you girls can now get 15% OFF at Maude Boutique online with the code AMBITION. That's pretty darn amazing! I swear, my sponsors are crazy generous. Get to shopping, ladies!