
Confessional Friday: {Link-up}

In honor of NWA Fashion Week, a nod to the art that is runway.

Greetings, girls! And happy Friday! Let's get right to it:

1. I confess that I'm typing this post on an iPad, which is taking approximately five hours. I hate blogging on anything other than a full-blown computer with a legit keyboard.

2. I confess that I'm a teensy bit nervous about NWA Fashion Week tonight, only because I'm walking! It's been a while since I've modeled an outfit for anything other than my style pics on the blog, ha! Here's hoping the show is a smashing success!

3. I confess that I used far too many exclamation points in the above. Such a no-no in the world of professional writing...oops.

4. I confess that I always try on at least three outfits every day before settling on one. It's an extraordinary waste of time, since I usually end up going with the first thing I tried. I exhaust myself.

5. I confess that I'm not wild about this season of Girls on HBO. Something just feels...different? I dunno. I'm still a loyal viewer though, with no plans to change that. And I have a writing crush on Lena Dunham.

Be sure to stick around for a special post from my pal Christi later today! She's a hoot and I can wait to introduce y'all to her sweet personality and amazing style.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Maybe you should get one of those keyboards that the iPad clicks in to like this one: http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Keyboard-Case-iPad-2/dp/B00512W4Y2?

    I've heard good things about them!

  2. Good Luck at Fashion Week tonight!!

  3. Good luck in the show! I'm sure you will do fabulous.

  4. I agree about Girls- I ready for her to wrap up and move on from the OCD stuff. I know there's a lot of gals and guys who can relate to that but I just don't.

  5. Love this!!
    Confessions make you feel good :-)

    XO Jenna

  6. 1. I'm with you - I really dislike blogging from anything other than my computer.

    2. Have fun walking tonight!

    3. I lazily stumble out of the shower and browse my closet while brushing my teeth and usually settle on the clothes that aren't yelling that they need to be ironed!

    Happy Weekend!

  7. Haha..I have to at least stare at my clothes for 30 minutes before even deciding on one for the day... #girlproblems ;)


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