
Why Do You Blog? {A Link-Up}

Sarah, my amazing sister-in-law, (or SIL if you're familiar with blog acronyms), recently wrote a great post about the driving factors behind her reasons for blogging. I thought it was such a neat idea because, for some of us who've been blogging for years, we forget exactly why we do choose to put our lives on the interwebs.

So bloggers, I want to do a link-up with all of YOU. I want to hear why you blog. Plain and simple. It can be as simple as, "It's easier than keeping a scrapbook", or as complex as, "I'm a level 4 hoarder and have been stuck inside my home for the better part of the last decade. It's my only link to the outside world." Which would be scary. But, perhaps, the reason why you blog. I'm not here to judge.

You get the just of it.

So join me in telling why you blog this Friday, in place of Confessional Friday.

Now here's the fun part...post the button below on your blogs, Twitter, FB, Insta, whatever and encourage your fellow bloggers to link up. Be sure to use the hashtag #whyIblog if you post to Twitter or Instagram. I think it'd be neat to share our blogging journeys with each other...and a great way to find NEW BLOGS and make new friends.

Get your posts ready for Friday and come back here to link up & share why you blog!


  1. haaaaha, i hope sometimes reason is because they're a level 4 hoarder and all that. that's hilarious. funny girl, you are :)

    xo doll.

    ps - i couldn't be happier for you and your precious growing family

  2. Sounds like fun, count me in as well! :)

  3. This awesome! Can't wait to share and read others! :)

  4. I just ran accross your blog and I am loving your style so so much especially the gold dipped scissors and great amazing wall pattern, would love for you to check out my blog as well keep in mind I am a blog virgian andd just started

    Much Love ~ A Blonde and Her Bag



What'cha got?