It's surreal to be writing this post for our Caroline; we now have a one-year old! Exactly one year ago today at 8:30 a.m., Caroline Rose made her debut. She was 6 lbs., 9 oz. of pure perfection, with a head full of raven-black hair and big, blue eyes.
As I sit here and think about the previous year, I'm blown away. Blown away by the amount of love, joy and excitement that she brings into our lives, but also blown away by how much she has taught us. There truly is no learning experience quite like being a parent.
I've learned:
-A tiny human has the power to make you cry, make you laugh uncontrollably, make you terrified, make you joyous, make you slow down, make you re-prioritize, make you think you're losing your mind while simultaneously increasing your ability to remember the most intricate of details during special moments, holidays and milestones. (For instance, I can't tell you what shirt I wore yesterday, but I can tell you exactly what song was playing on the iPod during the car ride when we brought Caroline home from the hospital.
I and Love and You by the Avett Brothers.
-How to change pee diapers, poo diapers and POO diapers. Yes, there's a difference. Moms and dads, y'all know.
-That trying to dress a 12-month-old is much like dressing a heavily caffeinated octopus. Though most days, I think the octopus might be easier.
-There is no love and no connection like that one you'll have with your child. None. Period.
-Baby girls are a curse on shopping budgets. (But man, are they fun to dress up!)
-You'll have days where you do it and do it well, the whole motherhood thing. You'll also have days where you just barely survive. But you will. And the good days far outweigh the tough ones.
-How to pack a diaper bag in 5.7 seconds.
-That working outside the home whilst' raising a baby isn't for the faint of heart. Neither is staying home with a kiddo all day. Point being: mommas work hard no matter what they do from 9-5. Call and thank yours today.
-Want to see a man turn to mush? Place his daughter in his arms. Then stand back and watch as he melts into a puddle on the ground.
And lots, lots, lots more.
Yes, babies teach us a great many things. Above all, they expand our hearts and fill it with more love than we could ever fathom. That's what Caroline has done for us. It has been, without question, the best year of our lives. I cannot wait to see what Year Two has in store for us.
Taken yesterday afternoon, 10/13/14 |
Caroline Rose,
We love you more than life itself. In fact, darling girl, you ARE life itself. Please never lose your bright smile or that light in your eyes. You have a gift for bringing joy into the lives of others and we think - your daddy and I - that one day, you'll use that gift to impact the world in amazing ways. Don't ever forget that God has a very special plan for your life. And, little one, if you ever lose your way, He is only a prayer away.
Thank you for giving us the best year, Sweet Caroline Rose. The pleasure has been ours.