
34 Week Bumpdate: {Baby GIRL Sisti #2}

No denying that side shot, baby! We're nearly fully cooked!

It's been a sweet forever since I've done one of these. 

Weeks: 34 on Thursday. WOAH.

Official Due Date: December 17 is still the official due date, but we have set her birthday (a.k.a. C-section day) at 39 weeks and some days ; )

Trimester: Third and final, folks.

Gender: GIRL! (Woohoooooo!!)

Name: Ainsley Catherine (or Ainsley Cate, as we've been calling her)

Baby's Size: At today's appt., she weighed 4.6 lbs. - woah, baby. I'm measuring right on track bump-wise, weight-wise, everything-wise...except "getting crap done before baby arrives-wise". So much left to do...so very, very little time.

Cravings: Everything and nothing. I'll crave something, eat it and then promptly have searing heartburn. It's a vicious cycle, but it hasn't stopped me from indulging in my favorite things as of late: apples with caramel dip, Eggo waffles, bananas, Hershey Kisses, Honey Nut Cheerios and my mom-in-law's homemade applesauce. Strangest list of foods ever; I do realize this.

How I'm Feeling: Pregnant. Very pregnant. But, very pregnant doesn't equate to very awful. No, friends, I'm feeling pretty good, actually.  I mean, I still have a decent amount of energy, and other than heartburn and insomnia, feel like I could do this for another six weeks or so. 

I'm getting to the point where it hurts to bend over and tie shoes or unload the dryer, but it's par for the course when you have a baby jammed up into your ribcage. 

Still doing lots of interval walking every day with Caroline in her stroller, though the jogging has come to a halt. Caroline weighs 19 pounds now, so I figure between me hauling all THREE of us, I'm getting a pretty good workout. I have felt so much better this go around and I really think exercise is the reason.

I always rolled my eyes at women who constantly sang the praises of working out while pregnant, but y'all, it's true. If you're expecting or plan to be soon, I'd encourage you to get a little exercise every day. It has helped tremendously with nausea, fatigue, late-term shortness of breath, cramping, everything.

Okay. There. My soap box for the day.

Movement: All the time. She's a mover, a shaker and a...chocolate cake baker. Autumn leaf raker. Big risk-taker. Wannabe Quaker. (Quaker? Yeah, sorry. Dr. Seuss, I am not.)

Momma thoughts: 

Miss Ains gave us a little scare at Tuesday's appointment, (we go to appointments twice weekly since I'm considered high-risk.) Her heart rate dipped during the non-stress test, which scared the nurse practitioner who was on call in the clinic. So, up to Labor & Delivery we went. Luckily, my OB was the on-call doc in the hospital and after a some monitoring, I was sent home. (After four hours of sitting in L&D with a dead iPhone and a non-working TV, they deemed it was likely a hiccup of the monitor itself, not our baby, that made it look like there was a problem.) 

Normally, I'd have been happy as a clam for the required downtime, but poor Stephen was having to chase Caroline around the hospital room, the monitors were constantly abuzz and there was a crazy labor going on next door, which stressed me out beyond belief. I cannot bear seeing/hearing people in pain, which is why I could never, ever work in healthcare. (Seriously, that poor woman. She was ten kinds of hurting and it made me hurt just hearing her. I did find out when I was discharged that she finally got an epidural and was feeling much better. And yes, I asked.) 

Anywho, not my ideal way to spend the day, but at least we know little baby Ainsley was fine.

I am willing time to slow down. At this point with Caroline, I was begging time to speed up, but this time around I know how precious the last weeks of being pregnant truly are. To feel your little one inside you - there's nothing like it. (But, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't ready to burn these stinkin' maternity pants. Two years of pregnancy in a row will make you appreciate the little things in life... like trousers that button and zip.)

So, I'm enjoying the bump, the sleepless nights, the precious movement in my tummy, the maternity pants, the way my shadow looks when I catch a glimpse from the side - all of it. I'm okay if the days just creep by this time. 

Also, I could use the extra time to finish the nursery and um, do some Christmas shopping. (Hey, just being honest.)

Until sometime soon-ish --


  1. Not to speed time up or anything but...I can't wait to meet Miss Ainsley Cate via the interwebs!!

  2. whoohoo you're almost there! i've been trying to workout a few times a week and it always feels good when i do it...im just hoping to have a healthy pregnancy! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  3. You look great! Glad to hear that everything is on track, and that you're feeling well :)

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

  4. You look great! And those shoes <> I LOVE them!! :)

  5. Love your updates! You are just the sweetest!!! Love reading your blog!

  6. You look great mamma... Cannot wait to see the little cutie pie :)


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