
35 Week Bumpdate: {Baby GIRL Sisti #2}

Just a handful of weeks left until we see our girl. (Insert wide-eyed Emoji face with the touchdown hands Emoji right beside it.)

An outtake from yesterday's outfit post. Hey there, Ainsley Cate!

As enjoyable as the pregnancy has been, (and I sincerely mean that), I'm ready to meet our Ainsley Catherine, (or Ainsley Cate, as we've been calling her), and see this precious girl face-to-face. It's funny, but we have absolutely no idea what she looks like. We saw so many facial shots of Caroline when she was in utero that we had a pretty good idea of who she favored before she ever made her entrance. Short of one profile shot at our 20-week appointment, Ainsley has been covering her face with her hands at every appointment.

Last week the u/s tech at our high-risk OB was able to get a shot of her from the front for a brief second, which was just long enough for us to see that she has her daddy's big, puffy lips : ) And, we are told she has hair like her big sister did. We shall see!

A few fun facts about life in week 35 with little AC:

-She's weighing in around 4 lbs. and 10 oz., and around 18 inches in length

-Ainsley enjoys break dancing on momma's bladder every night from about 10 p.m.-2 a.m.

-She gets the hiccups at least twice a day. I used to love that feeling, (and still do), but now it hurts, ha!

-I started getting all of her little clothes put into her closet on Tuesday night. Most belonged to Caroline, but there are definitely a few new things in there, too!

-I bought newborn dipes again this week...so surreal.

-My ankles have been swelling every night this week. Didn't have this problem at all with Caroline until the very last week, but I haven't been so lucky this time. What can I say? Sitting down is just rare these days.

-My normal bras stopped fitting this week. I mean, woah. (In the voice of Billy Crystal, "Helloooooooo, ladies!") On that note, I'll be making a little detour to Vicki's Secret after my appointment this morning. And what I'll be buying probably won't come from their Very Sexy line.

-I make very glamorous grunting noises when I get out of bed.

-I have been using Ruby, our dachshund, as a heating pad this week to relieve aches and pains. She gets to lay on the bump, I stay nice and toasty, everybody wins.


Stay tuned for week 36...


  1. yahh! you're getting so close! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  2. Yay for Ruby heating pads - too cute:) And you look fabulous, Mama! You can do this for just a couple more short weeks. She'll be here before you know it!!!

  3. so close already!!! You look adorable as always. I'm so excited for your family!!! ox

  4. has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are ;)
    I can't wait to "meet" Ainsley :)


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